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Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
P.O. Box 12456,
Toledo, OH 43606-9998

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Veterans For Peace

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Ohio Peace Network

Military Families Speak Out

Gold Star Families for Peace

Voices for Creative Nonviolence

The Albert Einstein Institution

Courage to Resist

Mike Ferner

War is a

Common Dreams

Information Clearinghouse

Peace Actions Peace Demos Mothers Day
Creative Media Occupation Project March of the People Stop The Siege

Winter march at lcch

Arlington Midwest The Human Cost of War
at Lucas County Courthouse March 2008

Hwy Blogging

Highway Blogging

Every time another 100 US service members have been killed NWOPC bloggs on an overpass of a major Toledo Highway to remind the cummunity that the wars have a real human cost.


Stop the War March
3rd Anniversary of the Iraq War


Mothers Day May 8, 2006

march Of The People

March of the People July 15, 2007

On July 15, 2007 NWOPC joined Mario Penalver as he marched from Chicago Il to Washington DC in a protest of the Iraq war. NWOPC march from Sidecut Park in Maumee OH to Walbridge Park in Toledo, about 7 miles. Mario went on to reach his goal of arriving in DC by September 11.

Civil Disobedience

Occupation Project
Marcy Kaptur's Office February 22, 2007

On February 21, 2007 when Congress was trying to figure out how much money they would hand Bush to continue the bloodbath in Iraq, members of NWOPC had a better idea. "Don't send ANY money!" Members decided to go to our congresswoman, Marcy Kaptur, let her know how we feel and stay there until she understood.