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Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
P.O. Box 12456,
Toledo, OH 43606-9998

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Veterans For Peace

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Ohio Peace Network

Military Families Speak Out

Gold Star Families for Peace

Voices for Creative Nonviolence

The Albert Einstein Institution

Courage to Resist

Mike Ferner

War is a

Common Dreams

Information Clearinghouse


Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition

continues in building of a mass nonviolent movement for peace, social justice, and environmental responsibility. Our movement respects the self-determination, human rights and well being of all people. extended>>

Ongoing projects of the NWOPC include, but are certainly not limited to:

Arlington Midwest

Arlington Midwest - a traveling display of tombstones representing the human cost of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The display includes a simulated tombstone with name, rank, age and state of origin for each fallen U.S. soldier

 March of the People march

Demonstrations - Weekly Sunday peace demonstrations and human 'blogging' to commemorate each 100 U.S. soldier deaths.

Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Supports:

  • Projects of the Friends Services Committee
  • Toledoans for Prison Awareness
  • Free Ohio Movement
  • Community Solidarity Response Network
  • Jobs With Justice
  • Toledo Coalition Against The Death Penalty
  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Interfaith Justice and Peace Center
  • Veterans for Peace

Weekly Peace Demonstrations are held every Sunday from Noon - 1:30 pm at different intersections throughout Toledo. Please check Here for this week's location and other events.